A rate case is the formal process used to determine the amounts to charge customers for electricity, natural gas, private water and steam service provided by regulated utilities. Rate cases are a primary instrument of government regulation of these industries. Below you'll find active cases which are pending, and past cases, which continue to have documentation added after the case is decided. Read more about the Major Rate Case Process Overview.
Pending Electric Rate Cases
- Central Hudson Gas & Electric - Case 24-E-0461
- Con Edison - Case 25-E-0072
- Niagara Mohawk, d/b/a National Grid - Case 24-E-0322
- Orange & Rockland - Case 24-E-0060
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Pending Cases
Case 24-E-0461 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to the Rates, Charges, Rules and Regulations of Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation for Electric Service.
Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation is requesting an increase in annual electric delivery revenues of approximately $47.2 million (8.8 percent increase in base delivery revenues, or 4.6 percent increase in total system revenues), compared to the revenues approved by the Commission for the Company’s current Rate Year. The requested increase in electric delivery revenues results in a monthly bill increase of $9.19 (8.6 percent increase on the delivery bill, or 5.3 percent increase on the total bill) for an average residential customer using 630 kilowatt-hour per month.
Opportunity for Input
Related Documents
- DPS memo summarizing Central Hudson rate case request
- Central Hudson Filing Letter
- Virtual Public Statement Hearing - September 4, 2024 Transcript
Read all case-related documents in DMM at Case 24-E-0461. Find help with DMM.
Past Cases
Consolidated Edison
Pending Cases
Case 25-E-0072 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to the Rates, Charges, Rules and Regulations of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. for Electric Service.
Con Edison is requesting an increase in annual electric delivery revenues of approximately $1,612 million (an 18.0 percent increase in base delivery revenues, or an 11.4 percent increase in total revenues). The requested increase in delivery revenues results in an average residential monthly delivery bill increase of $26.60 (a 19.1 percent increase on the delivery bill, or a 13.4 percent increase on the total bill) for a 600 kilowatt-hour/month customer.
The primary drivers of the requested electric increase are local property taxes (which account for an overall electric bill increase of 3.1 percent), new infrastructure investment (2.6 percent) and operating expenses (2.6 percent). Con Edison purports that its filing will help accommodate demand growth, especially with clean energy options and substation investments, while maintaining reliability with investments in feeder replacements. The Company is also enhancing its system resiliency for more frequent and severe storms, as well as warmer temperatures.
In addition, the Company’s filing purportedly includes a focus on improving customer outreach and accessibility, enhancing customer support and the customer experience, and promoting energy efficient programs. The Company plans to expand outreach efforts to enroll eligible customers in the Energy Affordability Program.
Related Documents
Past Cases
Long Island Power Authority
Pending Cases
15-00262 - In the Matter of a Three-Year Rate Proposal for Electric Rates and Charges Submitted by the Long Island Power Authority and Service Provider, PSEG Long Island LLC.
Related Documents
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid
Pending Cases
Case 24-E-0322 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to the Rates, Charges, Rules and Regulations of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid for Electric Service.
NMPC is requesting an increase in annual electric revenues of approximately $525 million (20 percent increase in delivery revenues or 11 percent in total revenues) for the rate year ending March 31, 2026. NMPC estimates that the requested increase in delivery revenues will result in a monthly bill increase of $18.92 (23.4 percent increase in delivery bill or 15.3 percent increase in total bill) for a typical residential customer using 625 kilowatt-hours (kWh).
Opportunity for Input
Related Documents
- DPS memo summarizing NMPC rate case request
- NMPC d/b/a National Grid Filing Letter
- Public Statement Hearing Transcripts:
- September 17, 2024 - Albany, NY (in-person)
- September 18, 2024 - Clay NY (in-person)
- September 24, 2024 - Buffalo NY (in-person)
- September 25, 2024 (virtual)
Read all case-related documents in DMM at Case 24-E-0322. Find help with DMM.
Past Cases
New York State Electric & Gas
Orange & Rockland
Pending Cases
Case 24-E-0060 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to the Rates, Charges, Rules and Regulations of Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. for Electric Service.
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. (O&R) is requesting an increase in annual electric delivery revenues of approximately $18.1 million (7.3 percent increase in delivery revenue, or 3.7 percent increase in total revenues), for the rate year ending December 31, 2025. The requested increase in electric delivery revenues result in a monthly bill increase of $8.81 (9.3 percent increase on the delivery bill, 6.0 percent increase on the total bill) for a residential customer using 600 kWh per month. O&R’s typical electric residential customer uses 550 kWh per month and would experience a monthly bill increase of $8.26 (9.3 percent increase on the delivery bill, 6.0 percent increase on the total bill).
Opportunity for Input
Related Documents
- DPS memo summarizing Orange & Rockland rate case request
- O&R Filing Letter
- In-Person Public Statement Hearing Transcripts:
- June 17, 2024 - 1 p.m. hearing (Middletown)
- June 17, 2024 - 6 p.m. hearing (Middletown)
- June 18, 2024 - 1 p.m. hearing (New City)
Read all case-related documents in DMM at Case 24-E-0060. Find help with DMM.