Indian Point from above dismantling - ISFSI, photo by Holtec

Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board (DOB)

Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board (DOB)
Indian Point Update
On April 18, 2024, Holtec Decommissioning International filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court - Southern District of New York challenging New York State’s 2023 enacted legislation pertaining to wastewater discharges from nuclear decommissioning sites on the Hudson River (S. 6893 / A. 7208). The Office of the Attorney General will review the complaint and represent the State. Given the active litigation, it is anticipated that Decommissioning Oversight Board meetings will forego discussion of the litigation and legislation. June 24, 2024 update: As part of the DOB’s ongoing review of Holtec’s public filings with the USNRC, state agency members of the DOB learned that there were discharges of radiological substances to the Hudson River in calendar year 2023, well below allowable federal standards, but potentially inconsistent with the State’s law prohibiting the discharge of any radiological substance to the River in connection with decommissioning. The state agencies made the AG’s Office aware, and they in turn made the court aware as part of the ongoing litigation. Because of the pending litigation, the DOB will have no further comment. The Holtec CY 2023 report is available on the USNRC’s public Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at Accession No. ML24114A228.
Water Withdrawal Regulations
During the December 5, 2024 Indian Point DOB meeting, DEC presented on proposed updates to 6 NYCRR Part 601 which would expand the saline waters exemption. The comment period was extended to January 23, 2025. Click on the link below for more information on the proposal and to learn how to comment.

Events Upcoming Meetings & Events

On February 28, 2017, New York State established the Indian Point Closure Task Force, led by the Department of Public Service, to provide guidance and support to the communities, taxing jurisdictions, and employees affected by the planned closure of Indian Point. Subsequently, the Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board (DOB) was established in 2021 to coordinate oversight among state and local regulators, facilitate information exchange, expand public comment opportunities, enhance transparency, identify oversight gaps, and promote improvements related to the decommissioning of Indian Point. Below you'll find information about the Indian Point Closure Task Force and the Decommissioning Oversight Board, including board members, plans, guides, and questions and answers from recent board meetings.

Action Center

Library of Documents
The Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board (DOB) maintains a library of documents and public comments on the Department of Public Service’s Document and Matter Management System (DMM) website under Matter #21-01188. The DOB has also welcomed its independent technical expert to post research on topics of interest to be made available to the public. This space will also capture NRC inspection reports as they are made publicly available.