York Run Solar: Public Comment Hearing
Kiantone Fire Department
2318 Foote Avenue Ext.
Jamestown, NY 14701
United States
Kiantone Fire Department
2318 Foote Avenue Ext.
Jamestown, NY 14701
United States
A public comment hearing pursuant to 16 NYCRR part 1100 to hear and receive unsworn comments from the public regarding the planned York Run Solar will be held at the Kiantone Fire Department, 2318 Foote Avenue Ext., Jamestown, NY 14701 on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.
All persons, organizations, corporations, or government agencies who may be affected by the facility are invited to attend the hearing and comment on the application and the draft permit conditions. Lengthy comments will not be accepted and instead should be submitted in writing. Equal weight will be given to both oral and written comments. To ensure that all interested persons have an opportunity to speak, the Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) may limit the time available for oral comments to three (3) minutes per person. The public comment hearing will be transcribed for inclusion in the administrative record.
The hearing location is reasonably accessible to persons with a mobility impairment. Interpreter services shall be made available to deaf persons, and English language translator services shall also be made available, at no charge for either service, upon written request to Chief ALJ James T. McClymonds, Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission, Empire State Plaza, P-1 South, J Dock, Albany, NY 12242, (518) 473-4590, [email protected]. All requests must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on January 22, 2025.
In the event that the in-person public comment hearing needs to be canceled, rescheduled, postponed, or conducted virtually, notification of any change will be available at the ORES website at https://dps.ny.gov/ores.
Matter 23-00049 - Application of YORK RUN SOLAR, LLC for a Major Renewable Energy Facility Siting Permit Pursuant to Article VIII of the New York State Public Service Law to Develop, Design, Construct, Operate, Maintain, and Decommission a 90-Megawatt (MW) Solar Energy Facility Located in the Towns of BUSTI AND KIANTONE, CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY.