Hearing Information
A virtual public statement hearing will be held before Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) Tara A. Kersey and Dakin D. Lecakes, as follows:
DATE: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
TIME: 5:00 p.m.
Link: https://signin.webex.com/join
Event Number: 2340 541 8625
Password: July16-5pm
Phone Access: 518-549-0500
Access Code: 2340 541 8625
Phone-in Password: 58591605
Those wishing to comment on any aspect of the Joint Proposal will have the opportunity to make a statement on the record at the virtual public statement hearing. Any person wishing to provide a public statement on the record must register by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, July 12, 2024.
To register and participate electronically:
This option is for participants who would like to provide a statement and will log in to the hearing electronically. Participants must register to do so by the date and time indicated above by visiting https://signin.webex.com/join. Registrants should enter the event number for the hearing, click “Register” underneath the enter the webinar password box, click “Register” in the box to the right, and provide all requested information.
When logging in to the hearing, participants should click on https://signin.webex.com/join, enter the event number for the hearing, and input the webinar password listed above. Participants will be asked to “select audio system.” It is recommended that participants opt to have the system “call me” or “call using computer.” The “call me” option will require participants to enter their phone numbers.
To register and to participate by phone:
This option is for participants who are not able to log in to the hearing electronically, but who wish to participate by phone. Call-in participants wishing to make a statement at the hearing must register to do so by the date and time indicated above by calling 1-800-342-3330, where they should follow the prompts to the appropriate hearing and provide the following information: first name and last name, address, and phone number.
On the day and time of the hearing, all call-in users should dial 1-518-549-0500 and enter the access code and phone-in password listed above to join the hearing.
All participants will be muted upon entry into the hearing. The ALJs will call on each person who has registered to speak. The ALJs will continue the hearing until everyone wishing to speak has been heard or other reasonable arrangements have been made to include their comments in the record. Time limits may be set for each speaker as necessary to afford all attendees an opportunity to be heard. It is recommended that lengthy comments be submitted in writing and summarized for oral presentation. A verbatim transcript of the hearing will be made for inclusion in the record of this case.
To listen to the hearing: This option is for those who wish to listen only, without making a statement. Registration is not required for this option. Any person may listen to the hearing by phone by calling 1-518-549-0500 and entering the access code and phone-in password.
Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations should call the Department of Public Service’s Human Resources Management Office at (518)474-2520 as soon as possible. TDD users may request a sign language interpreter by placing a call through the New York Relay Service at 711. Individuals with difficulty understanding or reading English are encouraged to call the Department at 1-800-342-3377 for free language assistance services regarding this notice.
Case Information
Case 23-W-0235 – Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to the Rates, Charges, Rules and Regulations of Liberty Utilities (New York Water) Corp. for Water Service.