Meeting Information
Department of Public Service staff (Staff) will convene a meeting of the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Interconnection Working Group (EVIIWG), via WebEx, on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. The meeting will start at 1:00 p.m. EST and will conclude by 3:00 p.m. EST.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and compare the straw proposal filed by Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. on March 15, 2024, in Case 18-E-0138, and the current Standard Connection Process.
More details can be found on the EVIIWG web page.
Pre-registration for the meeting, using the links provided below, is requested.
Event address for attendees: https://meetny.webex.com/weblink/register/re7dbb63f61527e299d47ee34bce7d24c
Event number: 161 064 5179
Password: TiWq8Ag3mm5
To participate by phone, please use the following information:
Call-in Number: 518-549-0500
Access code: 161 064 5179
Information and instructions related to subscribing to the service list or otherwise monitoring the status of this case are available on the Department of Public Service’s website. Questions should be directed to [email protected] or to Lindsay Weiner at [email protected].
EVIIWG Meeting Agenda
EVIIWG May 8, 2024 Agenda
Web page: https://dps.ny.gov/electric-vehicle-infrastructure-and-interconnection-working-group-eviiwg
- EVIIWG updates -Matter Number: 24-00339
- Straw proposal edits
- Continue to send revisions and suggestions to [email protected] and [email protected]
- SIR Process - Jason Pause
- Comparison of SIR and Straw Proposal - Katie Zellner
- Discussion on questions posed during April 4, 2024 meeting
- Suggestions on the format and organization of the EVIIWG.
- Ideas from other jurisdictions.
- Should the interconnection process for EVs be separate from or added as a modification to the current Standard Interconnection Requirements process for distributed energy resources?
- How should changes in EV technology and policy be incorporated into the EV specific interconnection process?
- Are there billing and crediting issues to anticipate?
- Are there any other considerations that should be taken into account?
- Next Steps
- Identify interconnection and queuing issues
- Continue to send edits and comments to straw proposal
- Next meeting scheduled for June 7th from 1:00-3:00
Agenda topics and order subject to change
Case Information
Case 18-E-0138 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission Regarding Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment and Infrastructure.
Matter 24-00339 - In the Matter of EV Infrastructure Interconnection Working Group.