Person adjusting digital thermostat on white wall.

Energy Affordability Program

About the Program

The PSC has a long history of protecting access to energy services for those who may face financial difficulties. In 2016, the PSC adopted a statewide Energy Affordability Program (EAP), which provides income-eligible consumers with a discount on their monthly electric and/or natural gas bills. The program is administered by New York’s major electric and natural gas utilities, however smaller utilities like Corning and Liberty St. Lawrence Gas also offer a discount program. The PSC monitors and evaluates the utility affordability bill discounts programs and approves measures as needed to strengthen and improve the EAP.

What are the goals of the EAP

The EAP seeks to provide financial relief to an estimated 2.7 million New York households with income levels at the Federal Poverty Level. The program is meant to provide financial relief for low-income consumers by making their electric and/or natural gas utility bills more affordable through monthly bill discounts.   

  • Energy costs for low-income customers historically have been between 10-20 percent of their income, or sometimes higher.
  • The EAP set an energy burden target level at or below 6% of household income for all New York State utility low-income customers.
  • The PSC approved the following measures to fulfill a program goal of reaching all eligible low-income households: 
    • Established new requirements for utilities to identify and enroll all the income eligible households.
    • Mandated that energy utilities automatically enroll EAP participants in budget billing. Customers may opt-out of the budget billing program at any time by contacting the utility.
    • Updated and standardized the EAP discount amounts to provide more appropriate discount levels.

Who is Eligible for Monthly Utility Bill Discounts?

All large electric and natural gas utilities provide the EAP discount to households that receive a Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) benefit, regardless of fuel or benefit type. In addition, eligibility for the EAP was expanded to include other public assistance programs available for residents of the NY state and/or NY tribal lands.

NYS Assistance Programs

  • Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
  • Lifeline Telephone Service Program
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Medicaid
  • Veterans Disability or Survivors Pension
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance
  • Utility Guarantee / Direct Vendor programs
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Safety Net Assistance


Additional Programs for Tribal Lands

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
  • Head Start
  • Tribal TANF
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations

Ways to Apply for EAP/Low-Income Bill Discount Program

You may be enrolled automatically if you receive benefits from a government assistance program. If you to wish to verify if your account is enrolled, please contact your utility. Customers can contact their provider by phone, fax, mail, website, or email for information about the EAP program. The utility will provide information on eligibility, monthly benefit amounts, and any application procedure. 

Find your utility company contact information below:

Central Hudson

Con Edison

National Fuel

National Grid - Upstate

National Grid - Metro

National Grid - LI


Orange & Rockland


Rochester Gas & Electric
