Buffalo NY skyline lit up in early evening.


Electric Information

Electricity is an essential service that affects virtually every aspect of modern life. Electricity allows people to turn on lights at the flip of a switch, watch television, use computers and keep food cold in the refrigerator.

The PSC is responsible for overseeing the performance of electric corporations under Commission jurisdiction to ensure that they provide safe, adequate, and efficient service at just and reasonable rates, with concern for the environment.

This page provides information about the electric utilities regulated by the Commission, the Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) operating in New York, programs and initiatives regarding electric supply and guides to help consumers make informed decisions regarding their electric service.

Pending and Recent Electric Rate Cases
Links to rate case files listed by utility company.
Transmission Projects

Article VII, “Siting of Major Utility Transmission Facilities,” is the section of the New York State Public Service Law that requires a full review of the need for and environmental impact of the siting, design, construction, and operation of major transmission facilities in New York State.

Electric Generation Projects

Article 10 provides for the siting review of new and repowered or modified major electric generating facilities in New York State by the Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board).

Electric Resources
Information and resources pertaining to electric utilities in New York State.