EE BCA Filing Requirements

EE BCA Filing Requirements

In its January 21, 2016 Order Establishing the Benefit Cost Analysis Framework, the Commission adopted a Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) framework that, among other things, established the Societal Cost Test (SCT) as the primary determinative test for Commission consideration. For utility-administered energy efficiency initiatives, the SCT is applied at the portfolio level and the resulting Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) must exceed a 1.0.

Subsequently, in its March 15, 2018 Order Authorizing Utility-Administered Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020, the Commission required each utility to file publicly accessible work papers supporting their proposed energy efficiency portfolios, concurrent with all future filings or submittals that require benefit cost analyses. The Commission also directed Department of Public Service Staff (DPS Staff) to issue BCA Filing Requirement Guidance to establish a common template to document and present the SCT analyses and detail certain standard inputs, including the source(s), schedule and responsible party for updating such inputs. Further, the Commission asserted that the Guidance Document would identify a transparent, central location where such inputs would be posted. This page will serve as the location for the standard inputs to be posted and kept up to date.