Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Regulation and Oversight


The Public Service Commission initiated a proceeding to discuss regulation and oversight of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) providers and products. All documents related to this proceeding can be found in Case 15-M-0180.

The Commission has the responsibility to ensure that customers participating in DER markets, and programs understand the costs and benefits of their investments and are protected from confusion, fraud and abusive marketing practices. Clear, consistent rules and uniform marketing and contracting practices are needed to:

  • prevent exploitive pricing and deceptive marketing practices to residential and small business customers
  • ensure that customers and DER suppliers know their rights and responsibilities, including complaint resolution procedures
  • provide oversight tools needed to monitor the growing markets and resolve potential issues.

Key Forms

As part of DER Oversight, DPS has developed registration and Standard Customer Disclosure Statement forms for community distributed generation (CDG) projects and on-site mass market DG providers. Copies of the forms can be downloaded by clicking on the links below. 

E-Filing Registration and Document Matter Management (DMM) Filing Instructions

In order to file your documents with DPS, you will need to register to become an e-filer. Visit the DMM Help page for  Instructions to become an e-filer and how to submit documents in DMM.

CDG Forms



On-Site DG Forms

Form Disclaimer

In order to certify that a CDG provider has provided every implicated customer with the updated CDG Disclosure Form reflecting the change to Consolidated Billing, each project owner must file an attestation with the Department of Public Service (sample provided below) affirming that they have updated the CDG Disclosure Form in their Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Supplier Registration File; sent all existing customers a notification that the billing terms will change and no other contract details are changing; and, provided all existing customers with a copy of their new effective CDG Disclosure Form.

Annual and Triennial Compliance Forms

Contacts and Ombudsmen

DPS Contacts

Adam Polmateer, [email protected]
Rebecca Sweeney, [email protected]
For Annual Compliance Filing Questions: John Sheevers, [email protected]

Ombudsmen to DER Providers

Alison Neligan, [email protected]

Central Hudson
Tom Su, [email protected]

Lisa Cerone, [email protected]

Con Ed
Sal Flagiello, [email protected]

National Grid
Marie Schnitzer, [email protected]

April Kaczynski, [email protected]

Orange & Rockland
Jonathan Rodriguez, [email protected]

Utility Contacts