Detariffing Non-Basic Retail Telecommunications Services


Public Service Law Section 92-g allows telephone corporations the option to detariff all non-basic retail telecommunications services on 30 days notice to the Commission, as of January 19, 2014. The Department of Public Service Staff prepared the following information in order to assist telephone corporations with the process of detariffing non-basic services. It is for informational purposes only and not intended to provide advice or other individual guidance. Any specific questions regarding Section 92-g and its requirements should be addressed to Department of Public Service Staff.

General Information

  • Beginning January 19, 2014, telephone corporations may withdraw any tariff or schedule for non-basic retail services, filed before January 19, 2014, at any time, upon thirty (30) days notice to the Commission.
    • § Prior to detariffing non-basic retail services, a telephone corporation is required to post the rates, terms and conditions for the services on its website.

      § Prior to detariffing, a telephone corporation is required to develop and electronically file a draft of their Customer Service Guide (CSG) or other listing of terms and conditions with the Commission.

      § The Customer Service Guide shall include at a minimum a list of non-basic services, description of each service and rate for each service.

      § A telephone corporation is required to file a copy of the Customer Service Guide with the Commission on or before January 31 of each year.

      § A telephone corporation is required, upon request, to provide a copy of the Customer Service Guide or other listing of terms and conditions to any person.

    Prior to instituting any rate increase for a detariffed non-basic service, a telephone corporation is required to provide thirty (30) days notice to any affected customer, and allow that customer to opt out of the service at any time prior to the effective date of the rate increase.

Related Public Service Law and Rules and Regulations

What Services Can Be Detariffed?

The law allows detariffing of non-basic retail services, i.e., any retail service not considered a basic service. See below for a list of basic services:

Switched access services and wholesale services are not eligible for detariffing.

Notice to Detariff

Telephone corporations choosing to detariff non-basic retail services are required to complete the following Notice to the Commission Form:

Customer Service Guide

A telephone corporation that offers detariffed non-basic retail services is required to file a Customer Service Guide or other listing of terms and conditions with the Commission.

At a minimum, a telephone corporation is required to include in the Customer Service Guide a list and description of the non-basic retail services that are detariffed and the rate for each service. A telephone corporation is required to file the Guide with the Commission prior to the effective date of any notice to detariff any non-basic services.

Thereafter, a telephone corporation that offers detariffed non-basic retail services is required to file a copy of the Customer Service Guide with the Commission, on or before January 31 each year.

For Information or Questions