Department of Public Service Accessibility Policy
The New York State Department of Public Service is committed to assuring equal opportunity for persons with disabilities. To this end, it is the Department’s policy to provide reasonable accommodation for persons with disability in all its programs and services. Reasonable accommodation applies to physical accessibility of programs and services as well as ensuring that all people can take part in, and benefit from, Department programs and services.
Reasonable accommodation also applies to providing auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication with all persons. Additionally, it is the Department's policy to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with a disability to enable them to perform the essential functions of their job, whether they are applying for employment or already employed by the Department.
The Department’s Designee for Reasonable Accommodations (DRA) and Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator (ADA Coordinator) is identified below. This individual will be able to give you information and forms for requesting reasonable accommodations and for grieving the denial of accommodation requests.
Aaron Schwartz
ADA Coordinator
Department of Public Service
3 Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12223-1350
[email protected]
Website Accessibility Information
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